Friday, December 31, 2004

The last day of 2004


但就因為這樣 才有陽光的感覺

能為一個人奮不顧身 也許是一件很美的事

今天是2004年的最後一天 2004是我最喜歡的一年
很多好玩的事情 遇見了很多人
申請完大學 有比較好的美國朋友 春假海邊 夏天教英文
小朋友們 美國加州人 上大學 結束了一段維持很痛苦的感情
到KOHL'S 打工 等
這一年來 有神的磨練
要成為和祂心意的人 而恩典也滿滿的
我明年也會世界無敵超級厲害 (套一句珮雲的話)

I just ate fondu at Meredith & Dave's house. They are so nice to us! ^^ It took a little while to eat that meal because we had to cook the food ourselves (kind of like "hot pot")

It is just a blessed year.
Many great people have entered my life
Always count my blessings
Do not keep wanting more
Treasure what I have
I become a happier person
And as 2005 is approaching fast
I put this comming year into God's hand.

Saturday, December 25, 2004


聖誕節又到了 昨天聖誕夜去了教會才真正有聖誕節的感覺 還看到同學不然打工 日子渾渾噩噩的就過去了 雖然常跟店裡的人說聖誕快樂 但就是沒有那種感覺 聖誕節也快結束了
昨天去玩教會後 去Judy家 陪陪她 新家比以前住的漂亮 但很可惜沒去咪妹阿姨家吃火鍋 嗚嗚 我可愛的麻辣火鍋
睡到11點 從Judy家離開後 去Paul家 他們家人超好 後來又去不認識的人家吃晚餐 從早吃到尾阿 聖誕節雖然花了很多錢 但也收到了不少禮物 謝謝大家 雖然父母不在這 但神還是很祝福 讓我們不孤單 呵

Thursday, December 23, 2004


哎呀呀 一下子就放假一個禮拜了 這樣的快讓我措手不及 可能在打工的緣故 所以沒啥感覺 想把家裡好好打掃都沒時間 我最近變成了標準的夜貓子 怎麼得了 晚上睡不著 早上又爬不起來 要調過來才行

感覺很多話要說但又沒有要說的 昨天Stephanie and Colleen在我家待到12點多 聊天 很懷念回台灣大家一起聊天時的感覺 在主內好朋友是很難的得吧 輕輕鬆鬆的聊天 沒有尷尬的沉默 感覺很好 我可是很珍惜你們的喔 呵

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


終於只剩下明天的一個Music Theory
還好星期天KOHL'S 讓我早走 雖然也11點多
但至少比12點好 隔天我8點有經濟學的考試
我的ear training拿了個A- I guess it's alright

I'm thankful for everyone that I have met throughout this semester: Shannon, Anna, Brittany, Tracy, Erica, and other many people. I had so much fun with them.
I'm really blessed by God; I also met a lot of good Christians here. He knows that I'm weak -- I want to fit in so badly that I am easily tempted-- but he put people in my life that makes me stronger in him. :)
I also treasure the friendships with all the friends back in Taiwan.
The other day I talked to Matt while crossing the campus. Who the heck would you just talk to while you are walking? It must be someone that you know really well. It is great! All the church friends and all the friends back in middle school, thank you for sharing your life with me.

早上考完Skill test 後 就跑去 Shannon的宿舍混 好聽一點是讀書 但一起去吃完午餐後 東摸摸 西搞搞 把相片剪剪弄弄 讀書讀不到半個小時吧 但她今天給我一個模型鋼琴 很可愛 而我送她是從 Bath and Body Works 買的玩偶和乳液 聖誕節真是個超花錢的節日 明天還是後天 我得去買一堆東西送人 看來不好好打工是不行的

Monday, December 06, 2004

Almost finish

Today is a good day for me :) I just went to Elizabeth's piano concert with Tracy. It was really good! I love the last piece she played "Mephisto Waltz No.1" by Franz Liszt. it sounded very hard, but very good!

I finally finish my portfolio for my ENG 101 and the final paper for FMS 120. It feels really good to get all that done!! All I need to do is studying for the finals for ECO, MUS, and FMS. ^^ it's great, and i have a week to do them!

I'm going to miss all of my classes! all the teachers and all the peopel i have met are great! FMS is like a little community! pizza and movie with Sherlock Holmes! what else can i complain? We watched Spiderman 2 and ate pizza today. It was my second time (the first time in Taiwan over the summer) seeing it, and i still think it's a good movie! English class is awsome. Although i like the FMS community better, a person could make it all different! I actually met him twice today -- I'm so attracted to his smile ^^ I think i have crushes on people easily, but the long run relationship doesn't work for me. My ex was the greatest example. I learned from it, but i can't promise i won't make the same mistake again! The short relationship in Taiwan was sweet, but i didn't even know that guy well enough. it's hard. I will just enjoy the present, and see whatever comes.

I didn't think i would, but now i think i will miss walking with Brittany every Mon. Wed. and Fri. I'm going to pray for her that she will be a believer! The dreams we have are similar. She is very talanted -- i was jealouse of her, but hey, God gives us different gifts, and we should be thankful and use those gifts well. No comparing and contrasting, because God made us all different and unique!

we got a tree now! a real one! that's exciting!